CMI Certification & Equal Assurance

Published by cmi_admin on

CMI Certification is pleased to announce that it is partnering through a non-exclusive arrangement with Equal Assurance to offer Clients extended access to Management Systems Certification (through Equal Assurance) as well as Product Certification (through CMI Certification) services who are both accredited Certifi cation Bodies by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JASANZ).

Equal Assurance offers Management Systems Certification to ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO/IEC 27001, HACCP Systems, ISO 10002 & CCF Code.

CMI Certification offers Product Certification based on ISO/IEC 17065 & ISO/IEC 17067 across a wide range of standards covering the areas of CodeMark Scheme, WaterMark Scheme, CMI ProdCert Scheme, Construction & Building Material, Plumbing Products, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Fire Systems/Products and Safety Products.

Clients will now be able to achieve more support in reaching and maintaining their certification needs across a wide range of standards and compliance.

With resources across Australia as well as around the world CMI Certification & Equal Assurance will be able to provide the best possible certification solutions.

So why not find out more by checking the following websites as to the certification services that CMI Certification and Equal Assurance can offer.

CMI Certification:

Equal Assurance:

CMI Certification & Equal Assurance are proud to be members of the Association of Accredited Certification Bodies (AACB) that facilitates organisational improvement, the reduction of operational risk and compliance to standards & schemes.

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