CMI Certification is looking for an experienced person to provide Technical Review Services as an External Contract Resource covering Plumbing & WaterMark products for compliance to the Plumbing Code of Australia and relevant Australian Standards.
CMI is accredited by JAS-ANZ to certify Plumbing Products to specific Australian Standards and also the WaterMark Scheme in accordance with the Plumbing Code of Australia and we need an additional Plumbing Technical Expert who can join our Team as an External Contracted Resource.
The position will involve the review of a Clients Product Technical Data and Test Reports against:
- Relevant Australian Standards
- WaterMark Scheme Rules
- WaterMark Technical Specifications (WMTS)
- WaterMark Schedule of Products
- WaterMark Risk Assessments
- National Construction Code (NCC) Volume 3 – Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA)
- CMI Certification WaterMark Scheme Manual, Procedures & Processes
- ISO/IEC 17065
- ISO 10005
The position will provide additional contracted resource capabilities on an as required basis to meet CMI’s growing Client base.
This is an ideal position which allows you flexibility to work from your home, office or other remote locations. You can still have your other work or business interests and undertake this work for CMI outside of those hours.
CMI will need you to supply the following information:
- Current CV detailing your work, experience and qualifications with particular emphasis in the area of Plumbing Products.
- Additional information regarding your knowledge and understanding of the WaterMark Scheme and the Plumbing Code of Australia
If you are successful will need the following:
- Australian Drivers Licence
- As a minimum hold an Australian Sole Trader ABN
For more information on the WaterMark scheme see:
If you have these skill sets and would like to be involved in the exciting area of certifying Plumbing Products please send your information to
(Please note there is a currently an issue with file attachments when using the apply button. Send your application via email)